Time Travel Demos.

May 11, 2013

Four songs and rough recordings made as part of an epic choose your own adventure birthday present for David Turner which was presented by his girlfriend Christy Harrington-Brown.

In May 2013, my friend Christy Har­ring­ton-Brown staged pos­sibly the most epic birth­day present pos­sible for her boy­friend, my friend also, David Turner. It was a two part, multi path choose your own ad­ven­ture game com­plete with a video news re­port, an altered group-sung chorus of There’s A Hole in My Bucket Pocket, a news­pa­per front page (which I wrote and de­signed for her), crowd­sourced videos of people tele­port­ing and this EP by me for the time-travel path.

I was ill on the dead­line so they’re very rough re­cord­ings (my Zoom H4N field re­corder was run­ning out of bat­ter­ies for the pre­lude which cre­ated a pretty amaz­ing take on lo-fi) but I’m proud of them/​the words.

Time Travel Demos (for David Turner)

by Filip Hnízdo Tracks: 4 Released: 2013

Prelude (a warning)


"I’m not afraid of you, I’m twice as old as you are."
I shout at the bully as he laughs at me park the car.
I tried going forward but couldn't make sense of the charts.
The girls in the club watched me fumble the harmony parts.

I looked at a history book there’s more fish in the sea.
So I tried going backwards but they didn't remember me.
I want to undress you but go back to dressing again.
I try scheduling romance but always get stuck on the when.
The counter is burning from back and forth friction,
I’d like to file time travel back under the fiction.
I tried it with dinosaurs, they weren't much fun,
And a love made from cables is never the one.
When the only surprise comes to you with a bite and a shock.
She loves me but I just can’t stop staring back at the clock.

I’m running out of time to explore,
Have I done 1620? I’m not even sure.
All I know is I’m stuck, I'm stuck and I want to go home.

Where the time goes so slowly you don’t mind the being alone.

They Don't Have Guns in the Future


You won’t have fun in the future
I guess you’re cursed.

They don’t have guns in the future,
It’s much worse.

You miss your friends in the future,
No one can mourn

They won’t see your grave in the future
They haven’t been born

There is no love in the future
No-one knows what it means

No time for sex in the future
Only baby machines.

There’s always war in the future
Nobody knows why.

You smile just once in the future
When you’re ready to die.

Who said anything about an ending?



Time was a straight line but now you’ve made it all a mess
But doesn’t she look timeless in her shining wedding dress
The word regret it means much less...
You must confess that you've been blessed.

You gazed into her smile it was like February 2nd,
She made eyes to the bar, after you took a breath and beckoned
You got the details right, could she have maybe reckoned
You were cheating when you got the timing almost to a second

Who cares?!

This is a happy ending,
Who said anything about an ending?
This is a happy ending.
Who said anything about an ending?

Time was a straight line but now you’ve made it all a mess
But doesn’t she look timeless in her shining wedding dress
The word regret it means much less...
You must confess that you've been blessed.

Adventure lives at home


You've made time and money
Now you've got no time, no money
You spent your time finding money
And your money finding time

This was all a fraction silly
Should you have even bothered?
Now you're back where it all started
This isn't heaven
But it's not a war zone.
No it's not a war zone.

You were looking for adventure
And guess what? You found out it lives at home.

Tagged with: music poetry