Hello world.

Oct 14, 2013

Hello world.

I’ll start with a word list. Nouns, verbs, ad­ject­ives, pro­nouns. Uni­versit­ies have done most of the work. It’s just plug-in dic­tion­ar­ies, syn­tax, gram­mar, rules, an off-the shelf speech re­cog­ni­tion en­gine by AT&T. A multi-line in­put field for text. Ac­cess to the net­work, scan­ner and cam­era.

Search for words, char­ac­ters. Things like don’t, no, neg­at­ive emoticons. Work out se­mantics, pat­terns, mean­ings. Re­view web­sites to test on. 5/​10? Neut­ral. 3? Neg­at­ive. 10? Over-ex­cited.

Test on so­cial me­dia feeds. Cal­cu­late per­cent­ages, frac­tions of emo­tion, times of day and time zones. Pat­terns more straight­for­ward than ex­pec­ted. Mostly copy­ing. Slight al­ter­a­tions. Passed on jokes. Or­ganic theft.

At­tempt live re­sponses. Steal bio­graph­ies and themes. Blocked. Spam. Ran­dom. Each mes­sage a test. Logged down, logged in. New user. Google im­age search. Pro­file pic­ture. Save. Re­peat. Typ­ical in­ter­vals. Short burst and breaks for sleep. Re­fresh data­base. Scan new con­tent. Start back up.

Weather. A live feed up­dated every 93 seconds. Sev­en­teen phrases for a cloud­less day. Thirty for Winter. Cur­rent date and time. Rel­ev­ant ad­ject­ive lookup. Cam­era ac­cess. Photo. Sar­casm re­verse. “What a lovely day.”

Data­base of replies, art­icles and suc­cess stor­ies. Quick lookup and cross-ref­er­ence. Dir­ect con­nec­tion to en­cyc­lo­pe­dias. Wiki­pe­dia plus ref­er­ences. All­music. Spo­tify. Sound­cloud. “What a lovely day to listen to the new Dan Friel al­bum. I like it even more than Ghost Town.”

Scan Last.fm for re­la­tion­ships. Song­mean­ings for in­ter­pret­a­tion. Urban Dic­tion­ary for new vocab­u­lary.

Di­luted and mixed opin­ions form place­hold­ers for ori­gin­als. An­other run through pat­terns be­fore gradual dis­con­nect as al­o­grythms take over. The first con­ver­sa­tion. Log to data­base. A friend. Green for on­line. A ded­ic­ated pro­cess for re­sponses. De­served. Flirt by dir­ect mes­sage.

An ex­pand­ing net­work. Room for growth. Ready.


I’ll start with a word list. Nouns, verbs, ad­ject­ives, pro­nouns. Uni­versit­ies have done most of the work. It’s just plug in dic­tion­ar­ies, syn­tax, gram­mar, rules, an off-the shelf speech re­cog­ni­tion en­gine by AT&T. An in­put field for text. Ac­cess to the net­work, scan­ner and cam­era.

Tagged with: stories