Sexy But Ridiculous.

Feb 09, 2015

I wrote a collection of short stories. Every story has been beautifully illustrated by the wonderfully talented Anna Šebestová. You reading them would make me happy.

“Twelve il­lus­trated love (and lust) stor­ies span­ning sea mon­sters, sounds, stalk­ing, sat navs, screens, sauce­pans, stages, soft­ware, sills, sick­ness, self and sex. Words and pic­tures brought to­gether for e-book read­ers and their e-book read­ers.”

My first col­lec­tion of short stor­ies. Writ­ten between sum­mer 2012 and Feb­ru­ary 2013, il­lus­trated by Anna Šebestová and ed­ited in 2014 to early 2015. Re­leased on Feb­ru­ary 9th, 2014.

Feels so good to fi­nally have this out there.

Avail­able to buy here.

Tagged with: stories